Thursday, December 31, 2009
Today, marks the end of the year 2009. Tomorrow, marks the new beginning for the year 2010. Which means, I have to really plan out what I want for the year 2010. Sigh. I wonder what's in store for me in the year 2010. Ahh. Memories down the lane of 2009. SYF Indoor '09, obtained a silver. Which is good. And therefore, we must do our utmost best for next year, SYF Outdoor '10. I don't know what to post for tonight. Sigh. I think there's too much stuffs in my head right now that I can't even let it all out. Well, no one called me out. Pathetic isn't it ? Pfft. I had to spend the last day of 2009, all alone, listening to my songs -.- Well, I hope all of you out there are having fun spending the last few hours of tonight, counting down to a brand new year.
How I wished, time could stop for me then, it'll great for the time we spent tonight. Met Jing Yi at 1845 hours at City Hall MRT. I was there, real early. Reached there at 1800 hours. Hahahaha. There was Philharmonic Youth Concert tonight, so I went with her. Went straight to City Hall after leaving from PY band camp. Had TJ band practice in the morning. Sight read a lil. Yeah. So, back to tonight :D She reached and off we went to the waterfront. The concert was alright ? Can't really describe. Too tired I suppose and not much feeling came out from their playing. LOL. So, both me and Jing Yi sat on the parapet. Kinda stoned ? ;x Just listening to it and not clapping. Yeah. Haha. Then, off we went. To... I don't know. Jing Yi led the way. She's my tour guide for tonight ! HAHAHAHA. Went to 'Frolick'. Went home after that. And now, my interview for my fitness training course wasn't successful. Damn. Have to apply for other courses then. Hope I could get into culinary ? Sigh. Otherwise I'll have to go bald and head for camp ! NATIONAL SERVICE. LOLOL~
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Okay. So, for today. Went out with Hao Hao(Chun Hong) and Guan Guan. Hahahaha. Met them at 2.30pm, Esplanade Library. It was raining real heavily while on my way to City Hall. The early days of doomsday. Hahahaha. Well, after reaching City Hall, went to Esplanade Library and found them. Sat at the cafe and guess what ? We have to purchase something in order to sit there. What logic is this ?! HAHAHAHA. It's really, LOL ! :D Hao Hao taught Guan Guan theory grade 5. Yeah. While I was sitting there, drawing out the design for my new section tee. Went off to Esplanade Concert Hall at 4pm. Should've gone later. We were sitting like, so near to the stage. Just two rows infront. Hahah. How near can it be ? LOL. Okay. The concert was great, solos here and there. After that, went to Burger King for dinner. Then, went to Plaza Sing Yamaha as Hao Hao wanted to look for something. After that, both me and Hao Hao went home while Guan Guan went off to find his friend to accompany her for dinner or should I say, a date ? Hahahahahah.
Edited; Oh. And in the morning. The excruciating pain from my eye injury came back. Damn. Luckily it went away after I woke up.
Edited; Oh. And in the morning. The excruciating pain from my eye injury came back. Damn. Luckily it went away after I woke up.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
What a Sunday ! :D Had the first AI gathering at Lai Yee's place. Reached Clementi at 2.30 pm and waited for Guan Guan. Walked to Lai Yee's place as it's quite near to the MRT station. Had so much fun. Hahaha. Not that many turned up for the gathering, but still, had loads of fun. Playing the Wii. HAHAHAHA. I was the top scorer ! Woohooo~ LOLOL~ Went off with Sofian and Guan Guan. Sofian dropped Guan Guan at Dover MRT, while I followed him to Queenstown Mall in search for PS3. Haha. Then, he decided to go to Parkway Parade. Bought the PS3 from one of his student's work place. Had supper at KFC, then home.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Took my N lvl result today. Got a 'U' for Maths, as always. Hah. Got a 'C' for Music. Damn ! Tsk. Well, I've chosen my courses. Fitness Training at Bukit Batok, Culinary Skills(Western), Pastry and Baking, Service Skills(Tourism) at Clementi, Security Technology, Communications Care & Social Service at Simei, Digital Animation at MacPherson, Visual Communication at Tampines. I'd prefer Bukit Batok and Clement, although they're abit off my area. Hah. Well, if I really must travel if I have interest right ? Precisely~ LOL.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Had lunch with Chen Shan at Bedok Mac's. She was late, an hour late. LOLOL. Well, it's alright though :D I don't mind waiting. Hahaha. Well, she had Double Cheeseburger meal while I had my main meal, McSpicy Upsized. The chicken tasted a lil' weird. Lol. So, talked and talked and talked for like 2 hours or more. Went off to Watsons as she wanted to buy some stuffs. Hah. She didn't know what she wanted to buy and I didn't know what she wanted to buy in the first place. So, looked around Watsons. Facial wash, face cream, pimple cream, whatever cream. Hahaha. And she's really funny. She went up to something which she didn't know and I know what it was, and so, she couldn't tell what it was and then I told. She was shocked. HAHAHAHA. Ownage~ :D So, went off at 7.30 pm. At least I didn't rot for the whole day of today :D
Went for work with Jolene. Door to door selling ice cream -.- Oh my tian. Hahaha. Went to Tiong Bahru. Sales was not bad(?) Sold 6 boxes. To be honest, the price is very expensive. For just 1 litre, such small box for $10.70. Suck blood luh. LOL. I'm not sure whether should I go and work later. Hahaha.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Damn ! I forgot to update about what happened last Friday. LOL. FIESTA VOYAGE '09 ! Woohooo~ It was AWESOME :D I'm so gonna miss all of them. No more playing music with them anymore. Kinda sad, you know. Well, life still has to go on. I think this post is short ? Yeah well, I don't know what to post about anyway. Hah.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I can't believe that I actually slept for 10~12 hours ! Oh my tian~ Practiced, practiced and practiced for today. Did tonguing exercises for two hours straight. It's fun ! :D Went for TJCSB Alumni band practice in evening. Ahh. Playing music. It's such a great feeling. Hah. After practice, walked back home. Yeah. So there. My life is kinda boring. Lol.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
TJCSB camp was fun. Although the day camp and the first day of the camp was rather intensive, but it's still fun~ Had night walk yesterday night. Started at 11 pm. That's very late though. Haha. Supposed to start at 8 or something ? Yeah. Watched 'Coming Soon' during the movie screening. I was the last to go ! Wth~ LOL. Quite boring la. As expected. I knew where they were hiding and all. After the night walk, was time to sleep. The whole of us, the brasses, went to the Sports Complex to sleep. Haha. Was damn fun, sleeping in the outside area. Woke up at 7.30 am the next morning. Went to shower at 8 am. Couldn't believe that today was the last day. Sad D: Well, life still has to go on.. Hah. Breakfast at 9.30 am till 10.30 am. Combined till 11.45 am and lunched till 12.45 pm. After lunch, cleaning of instruments. Dismissed. Haha. Is my post boring ? Maybe so. LOL. Supposed to have AI practice today, but gave it a miss. Well, I suppose that's it ?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Had a game of badminton and basketball today. Met Ying Jie, Ryan, Qin Da and Ryan's sister at Bedok CC. Couldn't book the court as it has been booked till 6.30 pm. So, went over to Fengshan CC. Booked the court till 5.30 pm. Called Zhi Kian to come over. Had a good round of badminton with them and then went on to play basketball with Zhi Kian and some others. After a very exhausting rounds of basketball, carried on with my badminton. Went off at 5 pm to meet with my dad and stepmother. Went home to keep my racket, but got locked out. No one was home. Luckily the main door wasn't locked. So, I threw my racket and shoes inside. Hahaha. Had dinner at Bedok Food Center.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
TJCSB practice today. Was alright, as usual. After practice, had lunch with Chun Hong, Guan Guan and Iskandar at Bedok, S99. First time having lunch together. Haha. Hope that we'll be able to do that before our service in TJCSB ends. That would be sad D: Band camp next week ! Concert in just two weeks time ! Woohooo ! :D People ! If you're interested to attend the concert, do inform me A.S.A.P ! I've got 10 tickets here ! $8 each. The concert is on the 11th Dec, Friday, 7.30 pm at TJC's Auditorium.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Recognition Ceremony '09 (R.O.D)
I didn't know that TJCSB had practice today until Steph messaged me, asking whether I was coming for practice. I rushed my way there. Showered as fast as I could. Took a cab and reached TJ in a few minutes. Did the same pieces. After practice, rushed back home and changed. Not many people turned up for the ceremony. Well, that can't be helped. Overall, the whole ceremony was good. But the food wasn't enough. HAHAHAHA ! :D
I didn't know that TJCSB had practice today until Steph messaged me, asking whether I was coming for practice. I rushed my way there. Showered as fast as I could. Took a cab and reached TJ in a few minutes. Did the same pieces. After practice, rushed back home and changed. Not many people turned up for the ceremony. Well, that can't be helped. Overall, the whole ceremony was good. But the food wasn't enough. HAHAHAHA ! :D
Friday, November 20, 2009
I feel exhausted but then again, I'll still be full of energy. Well, that's Malik for you :D Wuahahaha. Had TJCSB practice today. From 9am~12pm. Had sectionals. Same three pieces; Journey, Ponyo and Jungle. Dismissed and off I went to Ping Yi. Yet another practice, but they're rehearsing for R.O.D, which is tomorrow. I'm all vexed and confused on what to wear tomorrow. My bottom that is. I've already got my top but couldn't get my bottom. So, I have to make do with whatever I have in my wardrobe. Tsk. I had yet another practice at 7pm~9pm. TJCSB Alumni practice. Was asked by my SL whether do I want to stay and play along with them and so, I agreed. Why not ? :D I mean, there's a great opportunity for me to learn and also, playing music with others. That's cool. But, the outcome of the Alumni practice was bad. Not many turned up but I've got the pieces which they'll be playing. Chester Overture for Band, American Graffiti XIX and Japanese Graffiti XIV. Yeah.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Had TJCSB practice today. Woohooo~ It's been ages since I have to wake up so early in the morning to prepare for band practice. Ahhh~ Miss those times. Had practice for a whole day, 9am~5pm. Awesome luh. Was fun playing music. Well, of course. If you enjoy playing music, then it's always awesome :D Wuahahaha. After lunch, everyone was rather tired ? Yeah. Hah. And there I am, being just... Myself :D Weird and Crazy one. Wuahahaha :D
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Went to the gym with Winston, Deyuan and Gowtham. Met Winston at 9.19 am at Bedok Stadium's bus stop. Bought our entry tickets and went to the gym. Deyuan came soon after. Gowtham was extremely late, as always. Suppossedly wanted to meet me at 9 am outside the gym, but he just woke up at 10.12 am. How great uh ? LOL. And he only used the gym for around 15-20 minutes ? Wasted his time coming, seriously. Haha.
Went for Tune-in Session with Temasek Junior College Symphonic Band. And it was awesome :D Had fun. Played games before starting off for practice. Well, I guess I'll be joining them for their Band Fiesta ? Hah. Most probably I will be joining them since I have nothing much to do. I need to work on alot of things. I'm lagging behind.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 4; Rainy day
Thinking of you each and every minute of everyday. The day was wet and cold. Went to the gym with Zhi Kian. Finally. THE GYM ! LOL. It's been ages since I've went there. Ahh. Weight training, resistance. Feels so good. Kept raining still. YES ! She's coming back tomorrow midnight. Woohooo !
Thinking of you each and every minute of everyday. The day was wet and cold. Went to the gym with Zhi Kian. Finally. THE GYM ! LOL. It's been ages since I've went there. Ahh. Weight training, resistance. Feels so good. Kept raining still. YES ! She's coming back tomorrow midnight. Woohooo !
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Day 3; Fine day.
I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have. I miss you. Woke up at 9.30 am. Showered, changed and bought something for my Grandma. Then off I went to Bedok to meet up with Hong Guan and Co. Felix, Hong Guan, Hong Lim and Ben were already there. Decided to have breakfast at Mac's as I haven't had mine yet. Then Zhi An came and some few minutes later, Judy came. Took 31 to TM. Played arcade. Tekken 6. Huat ah ! HAHAHAHA. Then to CS. Again, Tekken 6. Hah. Had lunch at LJS. And off we went to Vivo. Couldn't top up my ez-link just because my $10 note was torn -.- It's still money -.- Lucky I could have it exchanged. Hah. Walked around Vivo and bought Xtreme Sour candy from Candy Empire. Shared it with Felix. Went up to Sky Park and took pictures. Home after that :D
I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have. I miss you. Woke up at 9.30 am. Showered, changed and bought something for my Grandma. Then off I went to Bedok to meet up with Hong Guan and Co. Felix, Hong Guan, Hong Lim and Ben were already there. Decided to have breakfast at Mac's as I haven't had mine yet. Then Zhi An came and some few minutes later, Judy came. Took 31 to TM. Played arcade. Tekken 6. Huat ah ! HAHAHAHA. Then to CS. Again, Tekken 6. Hah. Had lunch at LJS. And off we went to Vivo. Couldn't top up my ez-link just because my $10 note was torn -.- It's still money -.- Lucky I could have it exchanged. Hah. Walked around Vivo and bought Xtreme Sour candy from Candy Empire. Shared it with Felix. Went up to Sky Park and took pictures. Home after that :D
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
She's gone for Perth, Australia.
Day 1; Rainy Day.
I miss you. Got woked up by construction, just right above my flat. Tsk. Didn't do much. Stayed at home practically the whole day. I was surprised to receive a message from her at night. Hah :D
Day 2; Fine Day.
I want you here, beside me. Ah. Tired. Woke up at 11. Totally bored, throughout the whole day till now. Tsk. I need to work, make money, kill time. Anyone willing to give me a job ? Please~ LOL. Met Zhi Kian and Co. at Blk 77. Played basketball. Finally. It's been ages since I've played basketball. Sharpshooter ! :D Hahahaha.
Day 1; Rainy Day.
I miss you. Got woked up by construction, just right above my flat. Tsk. Didn't do much. Stayed at home practically the whole day. I was surprised to receive a message from her at night. Hah :D
Day 2; Fine Day.
I want you here, beside me. Ah. Tired. Woke up at 11. Totally bored, throughout the whole day till now. Tsk. I need to work, make money, kill time. Anyone willing to give me a job ? Please~ LOL. Met Zhi Kian and Co. at Blk 77. Played basketball. Finally. It's been ages since I've played basketball. Sharpshooter ! :D Hahahaha.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A very well spent afternoon, I must say :D Browsing through our childhood photos and talking about our early days of life. Crapping here and there. Laughing, smiling, hugging :D Talking about lil' kids. How well could our afternoon be ? I only wished that this afternoon won't change for the night. I just want that afternoon.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Did you all know ? I met with a mishap during work. And now, I'm somewhat blind in one eye. Hahaha ! This guy, hit my specs accidentally and well, my specs scratched my eye and the skin got torn. Damn. Hope I'll recover soon and will be able to see properly and to see her as well. Without a blurry and teary vision. I miss you (:
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Had a graduation night(?) today. Which started at 11 am and they called it a graduation night ? WTF. Supposed to be prom night, but instead, they changed it to graduation night and in this case, we have to be in full school uniform. Fuck ! _|_ I swear, that it wasted my time. But, was worth it. Today, officially marks the day which we've graduated from secondary school. The buffet was... ok ? Ate lunch together with Winston, De Yuan, Chen Shen, Alan, Zhi Kian, Samuel, James, Shindy, Puey Hoon, Ya Ling. Took pictures with great friends whom had been with me since the day I went into primary and secondary school. A new journey will be starting soon. Once I get my N level results. Wonder where will I be able to go to and what course would I be able to take ? After the party, played basketball. A final game of basketball with Winston and Co. in school. Had fun. Obviously. Haha :D Since they were great friends :D Well, a message to you guys. Good luck and all the best for your O level, alright ? :D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Went to Century Square, watched 'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs'. Supposed to watch it with Bing but.. Didn't. Watched it alone afterall. OMG. So pathetic luh. After the movie, went to buy a leather wrist brace and a belt. Saw Eda. Walked around and went to TM. Saw Shanice and Co. Then went back to Bedok and had super late lunch at Mac's and went home.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Today was CPA Paper. Was alright. After the paper, went to have breakfast at the canteen, stayed till 11 am and went home. Was rather bored at home, so I went out. Went to 'Tropical' with Chu Han and slacked there till Zhi Kian arrived. Both Chu Han and Zhi Kian were waiting for Winnie and Co. to come. LOL. They came around 3.30 ? Slacked further and went off to Bedok 85. Went to 'Al-fiah Restaurant' to have our lunch there. I gave everyone a treat. LOL ! First time eh. Then walked to a playground and played a fool. Hahaha. Had fun and went home after some time.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Whoa ! It's been ages since I've update my blog. Well, sorry mates. Fell sick for 5 whole days. Felt very miserable and got a total of 4 jabs and 1 blood test. Cool uh ?! Hahahhaa. Woohoooo ! Had N level Science Paper 1 and 2 today. Was SUPER EASY LUH !!!!!!!!!!! OMG !!!! HAHAHAHA ! But I'm not sure whether I'm gonna get over 50 marks. LOL !! Well, tomorrow will be Maths Paper 1. DIE LUH !!! HAHAHA !
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hey everyone. After school, chiong-ed to the main road and hailed for a cab. Went to Century Square to watch 'Accident'. Not bad la. The ending was random ? Haha. After the movie, walked around. Saw Yuni and Co. at Mac's. I was hungry and decided to find a place to eat and guess what ? We ate at DeliFrance. OMG ! LOL. First time, eating at a first class restaurant. Haahahahhaha ! Ordered the set meal of the day. Grilled chicken and mushroom sauce. Quite nice. Just that I hate the grilled chicken. Look at all that fats ! Tasting that fat, damn disgusting luh ! Hahahaha. After that, went home.
Well, fuck all of this ! What's the use of having a family which looks down on you, keeps nagging, scolding and shouting at you ? What the fuck is their problem ? A piece of dog crap, I would say !
Well, fuck all of this ! What's the use of having a family which looks down on you, keeps nagging, scolding and shouting at you ? What the fuck is their problem ? A piece of dog crap, I would say !
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Well, the rest of the N level papers are just two weeks away. Woohoo ! But, I'm not even anxious, worried, stressed. I'm laid-back. HAHAHAHAH ! Enjoying life I must say :D
Went to meet Asyraf at Bedok Interchange at 3 pm. Went to MacDonald's and he took pictures of the flute which I'll be selling off. Then walked around. Went to Watsons, Sheng Shiong and home. Hahaha.
Went to meet Asyraf at Bedok Interchange at 3 pm. Went to MacDonald's and he took pictures of the flute which I'll be selling off. Then walked around. Went to Watsons, Sheng Shiong and home. Hahaha.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin
To all my muslim friends and family. Well, the day was alright. Seeked forgiveness from my family. Waited for our Aunt to come and then, the three of us, siblings went to our Dad's place. Slacked there till 8+(?) Then went home. Damn bored luh. Hahaha. Finally, I CAN WORK OUT WITH FOOD IN MY STOMACH !!! HAHAHAHA !!
To all my muslim friends and family. Well, the day was alright. Seeked forgiveness from my family. Waited for our Aunt to come and then, the three of us, siblings went to our Dad's place. Slacked there till 8+(?) Then went home. Damn bored luh. Hahaha. Finally, I CAN WORK OUT WITH FOOD IN MY STOMACH !!! HAHAHAHA !!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fever have already subsided. Stayed at home practically the whole day. Damn. What a boring day. I would have been out, enjoying life. Being sick, is not that good either. So now, I'm very tired. Even though I've taken an afternoon nap. I'm not always one whom sleeps all the time. Well, that depends :P
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
A sleepless night for me last night. Kept tossing and turning. Coughed very badly and my body temperature shot up to 37.7 degrees. Stayed awake till the time to head for school. Damn. Did my N level papers in the Isolation Room 1. Went to the field to see the band members painting the field for the outdoor march. After my EL LC paper, slacked with the band mates till they were done with the painting. Had fun. Crapped a lot. Haha. Mr Poh treated us, canadian pizza. LOL. After eating, we crapped alot. Mr Poh talked to us about his army days. Cleaned up the field and went home.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Have been coughing really badly for the whole day today. I don't know the reason why. Tomorrow's the day for N level to begin. I'm not even stressed, nervous or anxious. I just want it to end. After N level, I don't know what I should do. Find a job ? Yeah, I should. To have a stable income. Well, good luck to me tomorrow. MT written paper and EL listening comprehension paper. What a waste of time. MT at 8 am, EL at 2 pm -.-
SU YEEEEEEEEE~ I'm so gonna miss you~ D: Do take care of yourself alright ? Although I won't be able to contact you for two days, well, I'll still miss you :D
SU YEEEEEEEEE~ I'm so gonna miss you~ D: Do take care of yourself alright ? Although I won't be able to contact you for two days, well, I'll still miss you :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
What's the point of attending band when you don't even have the interest to learn ?
What's the point of attending band when you don't even have the interest for band ?
These are two questions which is running through my mind. But still, there are more questions. I'm very fed up with them already. Try as I might, I can't seem to see the good side of the band.
What's the point of attending band when you don't even have the interest for band ?
These are two questions which is running through my mind. But still, there are more questions. I'm very fed up with them already. Try as I might, I can't seem to see the good side of the band.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5th day of the fasting month. The day was alright. Mr Lionel Poh didn't come. Shiok uh ! xD Waited for Zhi Kian after school. He had lesson till 3 pm but got extended till 3.20 pm. Then, slacked outside Palm Cove and then went to to fitness corner and slacked with Amelia and Co. Bunch of crazy horny asses xD After that, went to Sheng Shiong to buy cooking oil. Then headed for home.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Went for my appointment for my NS medical checkup. Heart scan at Alexandra Hospital. ENT test at CMPB. From PES D status, downgraded to PES C status. Ahhh~ Due to hearing problem. Dad left for home while we were at CMPB. From 11, I had to wait till 1.30 pm. 2 and a half hours in AC. Was shivering like mad. LOL ! The whole procedure ended at 3.30 pm. Was relieved to be able to go home :D
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Watched 'Where Got Ghost ?' with Bing and Jeremy :D I would rate the movie a; LOL, LMAO, ROFL ! HAHAHAHA. They were eating Nachos, Popcorn and drinking coke while I'm sitting there, watching the movie, without eating anything or drinking anything. Because I'm... FASTING. LOL ! After the movie, walked around and went to TM. Arcade. Took MRT to Bedok and went home. Charged my phone for awhile and off I went for AI practice. Met Sofian at Interchange to buy food for our break fast. Then off we went to Siglap South CC. The practice was good as always. Had dinner/supper with Double 'G' and Jeff. Then went home.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
For the past two days, I went to Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music for the Boston Brass Masterclass concert and brass clinic.
While slacking at my area. Bing called me asking me to go together with them. So, I went off. Leaving Chu Han all by himself. LOL. Bus-ed down to Bedok Inter. The rest of the brass mates went off first. Met Bing, He Tong and Adrain(the short one) LOL. The three of us, stood directly around him in the MRT. LOL. So, we reached Clementi and took 96 from Clementi Temp Int. The brass quintet consists of two trumpets(Jose Sibaja and Jeff Conner), one trombone/euphonium(Lance LaDuke), one horn(Chris Castellanos) and one tuba(Andrew Hitz). We met the rest of the brass mates at the bus stop. Sat beside Mr Poh. LOL ! The concert ended at 9.30 pm. The bus was packed. So, we walked to the bus stop before where we were at. Too bad for both me and Bing. Everyone got up the bus except both of us D: So, we..... RAN ! HAHAHA. We chased the bus. Damn fun ! :D In the end, we walked to the bus stop at Blk 410 and took 151 there. Took MRT. Bing alighted at Bedok while I alighted at Tanah Merah.
Bing asked me to go to the Boston Brass Masterclass Brass Clinic with them. Took our instruments from the brass store. Slacked at Palm Cove for awhile then off I went to Bing's place. He was still at 'Tropical' when I called him. So, waited for him under the block. He came after 5 minutes later. Went up. Jeremy came later. Played trombone for awhile. Showered. LOL. We were playing Devil May Cry 4 till 5 pm. It rained earlier, before we headed out. Went to the hair salon where both me and Bing got our haircut at. Bing wanted to style his hair and so does Jeremy. Then, we cab-ed down to Yong Siew Toh Conservatory. The brass clinic was great. Laughter and knowledge. The bus was packed once again. Walked again. LOL ! Bing, Wei Jian and Yan Zhi went off ahead. Leaving me and my friend. Walked the wrong. Ooops ! ;x Walked back and took bus 96. Three of them were waiting for us. At least there's someone waiting. Took the MRT back to Bedok and guess what ? I had to top up. Lucky for me, I've got extra cash with me. Went to MacDonald's and saw the rest. Ate some of their food :D and went home. LOL !
Nothing much happened today. Played Audi. Like finally. New songs are now available. That's better :D LOL.
While slacking at my area. Bing called me asking me to go together with them. So, I went off. Leaving Chu Han all by himself. LOL. Bus-ed down to Bedok Inter. The rest of the brass mates went off first. Met Bing, He Tong and Adrain(the short one) LOL. The three of us, stood directly around him in the MRT. LOL. So, we reached Clementi and took 96 from Clementi Temp Int. The brass quintet consists of two trumpets(Jose Sibaja and Jeff Conner), one trombone/euphonium(Lance LaDuke), one horn(Chris Castellanos) and one tuba(Andrew Hitz). We met the rest of the brass mates at the bus stop. Sat beside Mr Poh. LOL ! The concert ended at 9.30 pm. The bus was packed. So, we walked to the bus stop before where we were at. Too bad for both me and Bing. Everyone got up the bus except both of us D: So, we..... RAN ! HAHAHA. We chased the bus. Damn fun ! :D In the end, we walked to the bus stop at Blk 410 and took 151 there. Took MRT. Bing alighted at Bedok while I alighted at Tanah Merah.
Bing asked me to go to the Boston Brass Masterclass Brass Clinic with them. Took our instruments from the brass store. Slacked at Palm Cove for awhile then off I went to Bing's place. He was still at 'Tropical' when I called him. So, waited for him under the block. He came after 5 minutes later. Went up. Jeremy came later. Played trombone for awhile. Showered. LOL. We were playing Devil May Cry 4 till 5 pm. It rained earlier, before we headed out. Went to the hair salon where both me and Bing got our haircut at. Bing wanted to style his hair and so does Jeremy. Then, we cab-ed down to Yong Siew Toh Conservatory. The brass clinic was great. Laughter and knowledge. The bus was packed once again. Walked again. LOL ! Bing, Wei Jian and Yan Zhi went off ahead. Leaving me and my friend. Walked the wrong. Ooops ! ;x Walked back and took bus 96. Three of them were waiting for us. At least there's someone waiting. Took the MRT back to Bedok and guess what ? I had to top up. Lucky for me, I've got extra cash with me. Went to MacDonald's and saw the rest. Ate some of their food :D and went home. LOL !
Nothing much happened today. Played Audi. Like finally. New songs are now available. That's better :D LOL.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Went to watch movie with Bing, Lotte, Jacq, Bryan and Jian Hao at the last minute as Bing wanted me to tag along and so, I did. Watched 'G.I Joe'. A damn bloody good movie. Worth watching. Went all the way to Orchard Rd. LOL. Was with Bing all the way till home while Bryan and Co. were together. Luckily there's me for Bing. LOL. At first, they wanted to watch 'UP' in 3D but was too ex ;x So they decided to watch 'Where got ghost ?' but the next time slot was at 7 pm. LOL. So, watched 'G.I Joe'. After buying the tickets, Lotte and Jacq wanted to buy "high class cookies" (Famous Amos Cookies). So, both me and Bing bought "low class cookies" from 7-11. LOL ! But, the taste is quite the same as the "high class cookies". Yummy ! :D 1 for a dollar while 3 for $2. So we bought 6 for $4 :D After the movie, went home straight as I have AI practice later at 6.30 pm. Reached home, saw my grand aunt and practiced my trombone for awhile and off I went. To meet Double 'G' at Bedok Interchange, bus 16 waiting area. Didn't play as good. Need to improve myself. Well, I better get more good in playing. After practice, went to KFC for dinner. Ate so much. Hahahahha ! Well, that's it for today.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Whoa.. School was alright. Got back my Maths Prelim paper and English paper 1. Got 43/100 for Maths and 66/80 for English paper 1. At least for my Maths, it's better than my previous examinations overall. After school, went to play basketball at Blk 77. Damn.. Freaking tired and what a game ! Hahahha.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Went for my NS Medical Checkup today. Damn. Wasted 3 hours of my life just for Singapore -.- LOL ! Woke up at 8.30 am and showered, met my dad at Bedok Interchange. Had breakfast at MacDonald's. Then took bus 16 to Red Hill. Like wtf ? -.- From Bedok to Red Hill.. In the end, we took a cab down to CMPB near Tiong Bahru. Pekcek already -.- The whole process took 3 hours ! Quickly gave the receptionist my pink form and they gave me the recruitment booklet and off we went. Took bus to Bukit Merah Interchange and took MRT from Tiong Bahru Plaza. Damn. Went to Banquet and ate dinner. Phew ! Finally. Went home.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Had Maths Paper 2 today. Gonna flunk it. Hahhahaa. As always. After paper, slacked at the canteen and waited for every level's recess. Ms Wong still had the decoration for us to finish up. So after sec 1's recess, both me and Chu Han finished it up and went home. Reached home, took a nap. Took a nap ! It's rare for me to take an afternoon nap. LOL. Woke up, went to Zhi Kian's place as I wanted to play basketball. The ball was spoilt, so threw it away after playing. Haahahhaha. Slacked at my area, then went off to Bedok South to buy some tidbits. Then we slacked again at my area and went home.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Had CPA Prelim paper. Right after doing it, I KO-ed. Can't take it. Woke up with a heavy mind. Can't wake up well. Stayed at the canteen with Chu Han. Then, helped Ms Ng with the National Day decorations and after that, we helped Ms Wong with the decorations as well. While helping Ms Wong, Mdm Rubiah asked me for help with the countdown board. LOL. Had a great day today.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Had Music Prelim Paper today. Was a piece of cake. Supposed to leave the class at 9.15 am but Ms Goh talked to us about the order of our recording dates and as well as the order of the filing. So talked to us, class 421 and 422 till 10.30 am. Went to the canteen with Chu Han and ate with Matin, Jasmine and Co. during their recess. Then, went home, audi-ed and went back to school to return my trombone D:
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Went to watch 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince' with Bing and Zhao Xun. Met Zhao at his place. Well, actually, both me and Zhao were asked by a friend of ours, to come to TM to support her in her school's activity. So, we met Bing at Interchange; phone booth and MRT-ed down to TM. Called Ying Ru and she was stationed at the Interchange. Donated $1o and every single of our coins. HAHAHA. The movie was quite boring ? LOL. But overall, the day was well spent. Haha.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Had no paper today but had N level MT Oral instead. Gonna flunk it, I swear. Woke up at 10 am and Audi-ed :D Then, showered, had lunch and went to school. Went to the hall for the oral. Waited for Zhi Kian at the canteen then went to 'Student Recreation Centre' and played pool with Winston and Co. It's been a really long time since I've played pool :D
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Prelim Maths Paper 1 today. Damn.. Hope I can do better for my N level. Ended at 10.30 am, ate with Felix and sent him to the bus stop. Waited for Zhi Kian at the canteen. He had his lunch and we went to the gym with Winston and Co. Talked about old times. Primary school days. Ahhh. Walking down memory lane :D Then went home and audi-ed :D
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Phew ! Had N level English Oral today. Was alright throughout. Two of my brothers PS-ed me today. Asses ! _|_ xD After my oral, met them at 'Tropical'. Slacked and bought food and drinks there. Saw Rachel. Then both me and Chu Han walked to Bedok. Walked around and eventually, we went home. Almost fell asleep in the bus.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Went to watch Ice Age 3 with the section, excluding Zhao Xun, Shikin and Yuni. MRT-ed to Tampines. Went to Century Square to get the tickets. Bing and Co. went to buy the tickets and I didn't want to watch as I had no money D: They went to refund the ticket and it could be refunded :D He Tong didn't want to watch as he had some stuffs to do. So he swapped with me and I watched it :D Was hilarious. After the movie, went back to Bedok and slacked at Mac's. After some time, went home.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Prelim English Oral, today. Damn ! It was a last minute information, which was told to us yesterday, during the last period. But luckily, I managed to get through with it :D After that, went to 'Tropical' with Zhi Kian and Chu Han as Georgina and Jeannie would be coming. Slacked there till near 6 pm ? Then went home.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
School was ok.. Went home with Chu Han. Georgina told us that she wanted to find me and meet up at Blk 77. Georgina was waiting at the basketball court alongside with Jeannie and Edna. Asked Chu Han to bring down the basketball and we played. Started raining and stopped. The four of us, went off leaving Chu Han there. Went for a hair cut. Wonder will I look good or not ><
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Finally. School ! :D But the system sucks. If the school is taking such precautions; assembling straight to the allocated classrooms when you reach school, having to eat as a class during recess. I see no point in that. Afterall, we're all together in the school. So what for seperating the students ? Lessons was alright. Kept msg-ing my friends :D After school, went to the canteen and sat with Shikin and Yuni ! :D Then Qistina followed by Gowtham and then Amirul. LOL ! :D Then went to 'Sweet Talk' with Shikin, Yuni and Amirul. Bought our bubble tea and I went home with Chu Han. Took 222 and alighted at Bedok Interchange. Walked around. Went to Mac's. Sat outside, staring into space, feeling the breeze. Noticed that Shanice was in Mac's too. Bought McFLurry, sat at the oval table and soon, Mr Kwan came. He bought his McSpicy and sat beside me. LOL ! :D Talked with him and he went off after finishing. Walked home after that.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Well.. Had AI practice today. YAY ! :D Only a few people turned up. About 14 ? Yeah.. Met Double 'G' at Bedok Mac's at 1 pm. I've already ate lunch at home but yet, I ate lunch again at Mac's. HAHAHA ! :D Bus-ed there. Surprisingly, the four percussionist didn't turn up. Sight read some songs. Practice ended an hour earlier. Nowhere to go and no one to accompany me. Both me and Double 'G' bus-ed to Bedok and walked around. Decided to go to Sheng Shiong but damn.. Sunday traffic. So, we went home. Was freaking bored. Walked home with the trombone at hand. Phew ! While walking home, sms-ed few friends of mine :D Hahaha. Reached home and sat on the couch ! :D Practiced the song, 'Sweet Memories' which Double 'G' gave me.
Went to Pasir Ris Park for the BBQ. Met up with Winston at Bedok Interchange then MRT-ed down to Pasir Ris. Then Joel and Aidil came. Bought some finger food from 'Old Chang Kee'. Then went to WhiteSands to kill some time. Went to the arcade, played some games and Initial D 5. Then we took bus 403 to Pasir Ris Park. Walked for quite some time and finally we found the pit. LOL ! Finally saw Gowtham ! :D Ate a plate of food and talked with Winston and Joel. Ming Kwang and Wah Jing came, followed by Mr Poh, Mr Yap and Chen Pei, then followed by Andrew and Boo Keong. Ming Kwang, Wah Jing and Joel went to rent bikes. Then, they needed charcoal as there was not enough. Me, Winston and Joel rode all the way to Downtown to buy. LOL ! Fun ! :D Rode back to pit 59. Sat on the bench. Did nothing. Was damn bored. Some of them wanted water as there none, so both Joel and Aidil rode to Downtown to buy. Then Mr Poh wanted a bottle of green tea and a bottle of mineral water, rode to Downtown to buy for him. Met Joel and Aidil at the bridge. Asked them to accompany back to Downtown. Went ahead of them and got lost. LOL ! U-turned and finally reached. Rode back to pit 59 and not even halfway there, my plastic bag tore. Reached back at pit 59, sat with them and went home with Atikah, Sahidah, Jian Hao, Aron and Gowtham. Bus-ed back to Pasir Ris and Jian Hao, Aron and Sahidah left by their bus while me, Gowtham and Atikah MRT-ed down to Tanah Merah. While inside the MRT, waiting for departure, Wah Jing and Ming Kwang came. LOL ! Such coincidence ! :D So, alighted at Tanah Merah and exit through the 1st tunnel. They were 'tricked' by me ? LOL ! So, they crossed over to tunnel 2 and took bus 14 while I walked home :D
Friday, June 26, 2009
Went to find the section at the dome. Reached and they were dismissed from marching -.- Went to Mac's for our breakfast. LOL ! After eating, Bing wanted to buy a shirt, leaving me, Shikin and Yuni. After the three of us were done, we went to find Bing and Co. Saw them at the coffee shop. Then, everyone of us excluding both Shikin and Yuni, went to Bing's house. So, the remaining people were, me, Jacq, Bing, Zhao Xun, He Tong and Jeremy. We challenged He Tong and Jacq, seeing who could reach Bing's place first. My team was FIRST ! :D LOL ! So, the day was mostly spent at Bing's place. Then both He Tong and Zhao Xun went off to Bedok for some shopping for the BBQ. Then Aron, Jian Hao and He Tong came over. FOR YOUR INFORMATION; BOTH JIAN HAO AND ARON ARE DESPOS !!!!!!!!!!!! They used my account and HONG-ED GIRLS ! AHHHH ! LOL ! :D
Monday, June 22, 2009
Went to meet Bing at Mac's. He treated me a Milo McFlurry and after that, off we went to Century Square to buy something. Walked around the Mall and went to TimeZone to play. Along came Aron, Bryan, Lotte and Jacq. Bought tickets, 'Drag Me To Hell'. Went to the basement as they wanted to eat ? Met Jian Hao there. Showtime was at 14.30. When everyone, covered their ears and for Bing, both his eyes and ears, I kept on laughing throughout the whole movie. HAHAHA ! They're great company for a movie. After the movie, went to the Open Plaza for some VITAMIN D ! :D Then, went to TimeZone to play. Played DDR. LOL ! Went home with Aron and Bing. MRT-ed to Bedok with Bing and bade farwell.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Went to Georgina's Chalet at East Coast with Chu Han and Zhi Kian. Reached there at 3.40 pm and those who were in the chalet wanted to head off to the Funland. Walked there and halfway through, they wanted to play by the beach. Leaving Yong Bao to care for their belongings. Sat aside and talked amongst the three of us, then after some time, went to sit with Yong Bao. They came back and we headed off for Funland. Played some games then went back to the chalet for the BBQ. Stayed back till 9.18 pm and went home.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Watched 'Ghosts from Girlfriend's Pasts' with Bing, He Tong and Qin Da. Qin Da was watching the wrong movie ! LOL ! Seriously ! Saw Angie, Melyn and Lin Ying while we were outside the Century Square cinema :D They were watching the same movie as well ! :D They sat at Row E at the far left side, while we, Row F at the far right side :D The movie was awesome ! :D But not for my clique ? They're like underage for those kind ? LOL ! So, after the movie, all three of them left and I was left alone, walked around a lil and went home.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Had Class BBQ today. Met Benjamin at Bedok Interchange. Saw Faizul and Wee Kiat, asked Benjamin to follow them to Najib's place to pick up some stuffs. Saw Hong Guan and Zhi An and went to Mac's to settle down. Then, after everything was done, we went to Rohaizat's place for the rest of the stuffs. Walked to East Coast Park. Set up the tents. Walked around with Benjamin, Hong Guan and Zhi An. Went to have lunch at Mac's then headed off to the arcade. Then went back to the pit. The three of them went to the breakwater to see people fishing while I sat and had a chat with Amin, Faizul, Fuad and Wee Kiat. Went to find the three friends of mine at the breakwater. Made friends with the uncle. Joked and talked with him. Then, went off to Bedok to meet Jeff and went home.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Today's the big day for AudioImage Wind Ensemble. Had our BONBON concert at Siglap South's Auditorium. First ever performance, not together with my school band but with outsiders who are greatly talented musicians. Jeff didn't turn up for rehearsel and won't be joining us for the performance but he'll be in the audience. Not much people turned up for our concert. Most of the audience there were Double 'G's friends. Haha. Saw Zhao Xun, Yuni and Shikin in the audience as well. Only 3 ? LOL. After the performance, went to Tampines with both Yuni and Shikin while Double 'G' went off to Bugis with his friends and Asyraf and Co. headed to Tampines as well, taking bus service 10. Halfway through our journey to Tampines, Double 'G' called, saying that he'll be coming with me to Tampines as he didn't know where his group of friends were going to. Seperated ways with Shikin and Yuni. Had early dinner at Long John Silver's and went home. Picture taken with my trombone from school. LOL !

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So, yeah. Today went to school for stock check of instruments and my section's marching, but in the end, none. As I reached school, went up to the band room, my section was there, sitting down -.- They told me that Mr Choy was inside, taking the brass sections in warming up. Then, Mr Poh came. Set up my trombone, played a few songs till the sec 1s were dismissed. Went to the bubble tea shop, MacDonald's then to Bing's place :D LOL ! Went to the Cash Converter before that. Bing wanted to look for his keyboard which he so wanted to buy, it just costs $59 ! How great is that ? LOL ! So, Zhao Xun paid it for him first and He Tong will have to repay Zhao Xun the amount back. Walked to Bing's place. There were me, Zhao Xun and Qin Da. Helped Bing to set up the keyboard and cleaned it. Then, played Audi ! :D Played till 6.30 pm. LOL ! Then went home :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Had Music class today. Came to school at 7.49 am, everyone had to assemble at the parade square for temperature taking -.- Assembled with the band. After the taking of temperatures, went off for Music class. Printed out my scores, which I may need for the coursework. Did Sibelius. Finished at 11 am, went off for band to help out. Went into the Music Room, saw Edwin taking the trombone section. Then, combined. Lunch break. Stayed in the Music Room to practise on my songs. Had lunch with my section. Sat one table apart from them. They didn't realise. Well, so be it. Sectional after lunch. Took both Eupho and Trombone sections for 'Instant Concert'. Band ended at 5. Mr Poh was pissed. Went to 'Tropical' for my usual. Went home. June holidays are getting more and more boring. Damn.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Went for Deyi's Band Fund Raising Concert held at their school hall. Before that, met the band mates who are going for the concert. Bryan, Aron, Charlotte, Wei Jian, Ying Jie, Jia Feng and Zhao Xun. These few only ? Well, MRT-ed down to AMK and met Asyraf. Walked to Deyi Secondary. A marvelous splendid performance they made today. Splendid, just splendid ! :D A performance made by Deyi's Military Band, Symphonic Band and their Colorguardians. After the concert, went back to Bedok with Asyraf and "WaiWai", who came halfway through the concert. Had AI practice today. Next week will be the last practice for our performance. Jeffrey went to M'sia. Damn. Well, my Aunt treated my brothers to a movie, too bad I can't go as I've got practice. After band, went to Mac's with Double 'G' for our supper.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Had Music and Science lesson today. 8-10, 10-11.30. Then, went to 'Tropical' but it was closed. Saw Chu Han, then Jeannie and Georgina came. They bought drinks from 'Sweet Talk'. Waited till 'Tropical' to open. Bought food and drinks, then went home. Showered, changed and ate something light. Went off to Angie's Birthday Chalet with Chu Han ;D Had great fun there. Mostly both me and Chu Han helped out with the BBQ. Kept on fanning the flame, controlling it. More and more friends of Angie came. Made a number of new friends but didn't exchanged numbers etc.
Happy Birthday to Angie ! :D You turned a year older already. Make plans ahead for your life, what goals you want to achieve ! Woots ! :D
*Edited; while at Cheers buying ice together with Angie and Co. I saw Amelia and a friend of hers. Woots ! While on the way home, saw Amelia and her friend at Mac's. Woots ! Haha ;D
Happy Birthday to Angie ! :D You turned a year older already. Make plans ahead for your life, what goals you want to achieve ! Woots ! :D
*Edited; while at Cheers buying ice together with Angie and Co. I saw Amelia and a friend of hers. Woots ! While on the way home, saw Amelia and her friend at Mac's. Woots ! Haha ;D
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Full name : Abdul Malik B Shabudin
Nickname : Alot, which do you want ? LOL.
Current :
; Drinking - Nothing
; Eating - Nothing
; Mood - Can't explain
; Doing -Posting this post luh, obviously -.-
; Listening - Jian Jian Dan Dan-JJ Lin
Why ,Where ,What ,Who ,When ?
; Why ?
; are you quiet ?
because i ain't chatting on the phone :D
; are you blogging ?
; are you loving someone ?
can say so ?
; are you always helping ?
cause i love to :D
; are your parents working ?
; Where ?
; are you ?
; is your phone ?
beside me
; is your love one ?
& anyway ,how would in know .
; is your parents ?
; is your bed ?
Behind me
; What ?
; are you trying t proof ?
that im blogging
; are you blogging ?
this quiz
; is the person you LOVE doing ?
I don't know ?
; are your parents doing as ?
dont know
; is your bed colour ?
; Who ?
; are you ?
I am me, human :D
; are you tagging to do this quiz ?
None, was told to do so by, AMELIA ! :D
; is the person you loveee ?
mind your own business :D
; are your parents .
my parents are my parens
; is lying on your bed ?
No one
; When ?
; are you going out ?
Tomorrow, to my friend's chalet :D
; is your phone ringing ?
; are you going out with your love one ?
; are your parents coming back ?
they're back always
; are you changing your bed sheet ?
Nickname : Alot, which do you want ? LOL.
Current :
; Drinking - Nothing
; Eating - Nothing
; Mood - Can't explain
; Doing -Posting this post luh, obviously -.-
; Listening - Jian Jian Dan Dan-JJ Lin
Why ,Where ,What ,Who ,When ?
; Why ?
; are you quiet ?
because i ain't chatting on the phone :D
; are you blogging ?
; are you loving someone ?
can say so ?
; are you always helping ?
cause i love to :D
; are your parents working ?
; Where ?
; are you ?
; is your phone ?
beside me
; is your love one ?
& anyway ,how would in know .
; is your parents ?
; is your bed ?
Behind me
; What ?
; are you trying t proof ?
that im blogging
; are you blogging ?
this quiz
; is the person you LOVE doing ?
I don't know ?
; are your parents doing as ?
dont know
; is your bed colour ?
; Who ?
; are you ?
I am me, human :D
; are you tagging to do this quiz ?
None, was told to do so by, AMELIA ! :D
; is the person you loveee ?
mind your own business :D
; are your parents .
my parents are my parens
; is lying on your bed ?
No one
; When ?
; are you going out ?
Tomorrow, to my friend's chalet :D
; is your phone ringing ?
; are you going out with your love one ?
; are your parents coming back ?
they're back always
; are you changing your bed sheet ?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Today was the day which Ping Yi held a carnival for her 25th anniversary. Went to school and report to Me Gabriel Wee at 7.45 am. Did some breifing then, went off to do our respective duties. The carnival was great. Went to check on the indoor sports hall of ours. Seemed ok, but after some waxing of the tiles, it'll be even better. How I wish to try the court out. The whole carnival started packing up at 2 pm. Had to place back all the chairs and tables which were used for the booths. After everything was done, I had $50 worth of coupons with me. If only I could have it refunded. Then, Mr Gabriel thanked us for everything and gave us $5 each. Velu, Arwin, Hong Guan and me. Went to 'Tropical' with Hong Guan. Gave Aunty my boxer pen as her daughter, Nicole, wanted it badly. Went home and showered. Had AI practice today. Fun, as always :D Went to meet Ibrahim under his block, but turns out that I waited at the wrong block. 117 was his, I waited at 116 instead -.- Went off to Bedok Interchange then MacDonald's. While waiting for Guan Guan, bought my meal first. Ate, then he came. Went off to wait for Khairuddin at the phonebooth. Waited for a rather long time. Took the bus and Asyraf was already inside the soundproof room 1. The practice started quite late, 8.30 pm. Practised on 'Young Man - YMCA, Mozart Pop Symphony and Sing'. After practice, went off to Bedok, everyone departed ways, leaving both Guan Guan and me. Accompanied Guan Guan to buy his supper and went home.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Today's the last day of school, June holidays will be starting next week. Had band today. Finally, I turned up. Missed the band. Taught Qin Da, damn.. He was hard to teach, can't make him understand what I told him. Both me and Wah Jing took the sec 1s while the seniors went to combine in the Multi-Purpose Room. Then, it was time for them to be dismissed. Went off to find Amelia and Co. at their homeroom. Slacked till 5.30 pm, then went off to 'Tropical'.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I've been rather tired these few days, I do not know why. Well, June holidays are coming. How should I spend them ? By work, study or play ? I do not know.
To be frank, it's been a really long time since I've shuffled. I still remember, 2 years back, 2007. I started shuffling and people laughed and asked what the heck I was doing. But now, I see people start shuffling ? I miss those times. I'll probably get back to shuffling.
To be frank, it's been a really long time since I've shuffled. I still remember, 2 years back, 2007. I started shuffling and people laughed and asked what the heck I was doing. But now, I see people start shuffling ? I miss those times. I'll probably get back to shuffling.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Had AI practice today. Finally, Jeffrey could come. Practised with him near my area. Then Zhao Xun came over as he saw us. Went off to Bedok at 5.30 pm and ate. Then Double 'G'(Guan Guan) came. He bought a medium Sprite, sat for awhile then went off to service 16 waiting area. Took the bus and alighted at our stop. Saw Asyraf, Khairuddin and Ibrahim there, waiting for their percussion mate. Went inside Siglap South CC and into the practice room. Set up instrument and helped out the percussionist with their instrument and moved them to the hall. After some time in the hall, Clarence came and started the practice. Sight read some songs which I forgot ;x After practice, went off to Bedok while Jeffrey waited for his friend to pick him up. Khairuddin and Asyraf went home so that leaves Double 'G', Ibrahim and me. Didn't know where to go so, Double 'G' went home first. Bought two large glasses of Grass Jelly then took bus 222 home.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Checked on our papers yesterday and today. Results; English paper 1 68/80, English paper 2, 42.5/60. Maths paper 1, 10/50, Maths paper 2, 8/50. Science paper 1 and 2, 44/100. MT paper, 13/20(?). CPA paper, 26/50. Music paper, 36/50. Those are my results. After school, went to MacDonald's to find Georgina and Jeannie. Mac's was damn packed with students luh. Waited outside, didn't know where to go. So, went to play basketball. Went to Blk 77 to play and it was damn blazing hot luh. After shooting some hoops, both Chu Han and me perspired like hell. LOL. Decided to chill out. Sat with Jeannie and Georgina at one corner and talked crap. LOL.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today is marking day, so no school for me ! Woke up at 9.30 am. Got a missed call from Zhao Xun. Called him and he asked me to bring my instrument back to school as Jian Hao wanted to check or something ? Showered, changed to school uniform and headed to school. Reached and went to the band store. Saw Mr Poh, having a meeting with the Committee members. Jian Hao told me that I shouldn't have come. LOL ! Then, went to the foyer, took a stand and practised. Went to 'Tropical' with Wei Jian, Gowtham and Yu Shen. Bought our drinks and went home. Went home and called Chu Han to come over to my place at 1. Changed, called him to ask where he was, so we met under my block. Took bus 14 to Bedok South Secondary. Waited outside the main gate for them; Jeannie, Lin Yun, Georgina and Yong Bao. Waited till a total of 30 minutes then both Lin Yun and Georgina came out -.- Bought ice cream for each before they came out. Then they came out. LOL ! Then, both Lin Yun and Georgina kept on going into their school, so we talked with the uncle, selling ice cream. LOL ! Then, Lin Yun told us that both Jeannie and Yong Bao had Choir. Had to wait for them. After some time, Jeannie's sister came out o.o Went to the bus stop and waited for Yong Bao and Jeannie. After some time later, about half an hour or so ? Then Yong Bao came out, followed by Jeannie, 10 minutes later. LOL ! They wanted to go to ECP and play DDR again ! Hahahaha. Took 14 and alighted at Tanah Merah Station. Accompanied them till 31 came. Their bus came and we bade farewell. My mum told me that she had locked both the gate and the grill lock -.- Asked me to take the house keys from her at Changi General Hospital. Decided not to head there first, wanted to see whether did she lock both the gate and the grill lock. Eventually, she didn't lock both. Only the grill lock -.-
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Had CPA and Music paper today. Both did farely well. After the papers, went off to meet Jeannie, Lin Yun and Georgina at Bedok Interchange, service 196 waiting area. Went to ECP. Reached and waited for another friend of theirs, Yong Bao at the bus stop. Waited for roughly about 20 minutes. He arrived and we set off to ECP. Went to the arcade. They played 'DDR'. Yeah. Asked Chu Han whether he wanted to come over, he was in the vicinity at the same time. The girls went off to Mac's to buy their lunch. They came and Chu Han came after some time. Then it was the guys turn to head off to Mac's to buy lunch. Went back to the arcade and ate there. LOL ! Had great fun with them.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Had no paper today. Woke up, did house chores. Had breakfast and watched TV till 12. It was raining heavily. Played Maple. Huat ah ! xD Stopped playing at 1.30 pm. Zhi Kian wanted to do some research for his Art Preparatory Work. Then, we went to Bedok South to buy some tidbits. Reached home and I have to take my baby cousin, Myka from 'Sparkletots'. Brought him home and I realised that I left my phone and wallet at the centre. LOL ! Went back to retrieve it and slacked with the Tan brothers. Decided to play badminton. Brought my rackets down and played. Played till one of my rackets got worn off. LOL ! Then, my mum came down, fetching my other baby cousin, Danysh home but were told that he'll end at 5.30 pm. So, my mum asked me to fetch him home later. So fetched him home at 5.30 pm. Then continued playing badminton till 6.15 pm.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Had no paper today, so I could sleep in. Hahaha. Woke up at 10 am, showered, bought breakfast and played Maple. LOL ! Huat ah ! xD Found a new friend in Maple. Played till 1.45 pm, then went for my appointment. Took 9. Finally I'm discharged from CGH. Took x-ray and went for my therapy but the doctor told me that there was no need for me to have therapy. Had dinner at QiJi. Went home, felt hungry again. Haha. I gotta start bodybuilding once more. Who wanna tag along ? Lol !
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Had Science paper and MTL oral today. Science, can flunk I tell you. Just gave answers to what the question was referring to -.- Then, went for oral after Science paper. Oral, I'll flunk as well. LOL ! Then, went to the canteen and waited for Chu Han. Along came Zhi Kian after that. Sat with Jia Qi and Co. Asked where Amelia and Co. was, then they came along with someone whom Chu Han knew but he didn't -.- Thida. Decided to go to 'Tropical' but went to Bedok Interchange instead. Walked around Bedok and saw Jacqueline, Denise and Elvy in KFC. Went in and sat with them. They were waiting for Eunice to come out from the toilet. She came out and they started chit chatting and went off. Walked with them and went into NTUC. Saw Ying Jie and Co. -.- Then, we went out and Ying Jie followed both Chu Han and me. Didn't know where to go so we went to the library. Walked inside and didn't have any place to sit, went out and stood around. Saw Nikki and her friend. Lol. Then, went into the library, went up to the 3rd floor and found a place to sit. Read my Jeffrey Archer's novel. After spending some time reading, went home.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
School was fine. Finally, after school ended for me, I could go to the Music Room to help out Ms Tan once again. Haha. Chu Han had CPA to finish up at 2 pm till 4 pm. The class which Ms Tan took went off at 1.30 pm and some time later, a group of students from 102 and 111 came in. They had a test. So, waited till all of them were done with the test. While waiting, Ying Jie came up to accompany me while Chu Han went off for CPA. Went home after Ms Tan was done with the tests she conducted. Reached home and my mum told me that my grandma broke her arm due to a fall at the wet market. Damn ! Recover fast, Grandma !
Monday, May 11, 2009
Played basketball for a whole day from 1 pm till 6.30 pm. The day was good, playing basketball with your bunch of good friends. The Tan brothers are my good friends. Both Chu Han and me went to the bubble tea shop and bought our lunch, a cup of bubble tea and cup noodle each. Then went back to Fengshan CC and ate our lunch there. Let our food get digested throughout first before heading for another round of basketball. Made a new friend today. Junyuan Sec, Lang Kai. Great player as I can see. Went home at 6.30 pm. But before that, both Chu Han and Zhi Kian played a last round of basketball, 4-4 match. Then, went to Blk 77 basketball court to see who's playing basketball before heading home. Now, having a bad headache accompanied by flu. Lol.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The day was bored in the beginning but eventually turned out to be good. Was damn freaking bored staying at home. So, asked the Tan brothers whether they wanted to go out, to TM ? Yeah, they wanted. So, asked Chu Han to come over to my house while I had my lunch. He came and Zhi Kian called. Saying that both of him and his mum wanted to go as well. So went to his place and waited for his mum. She changed and we went off. Went to TM 1 and walked around for 2-3 hours or so. Then, wanted to have dinner at KFC but didn't have any seats. 'Mother' suggested going to the food court at the 3rd floor of TM. Had dinner there, then went to the night market. Went home after some time walking around the night market. Had a great day out with them (:
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Had Science class test today. Did OK I guess ? After school, went to the canteen. Fuck that attitude _|_ Then, played tennis with a bunch of my old classmates from NA stream. Had great fun. Played for 2 hours straight. Played against the wall while Winston and Co. played a game of volleyball. Had great fun once again. I was sweating and sticky. Great feeling after a good game of tennis (: Played against Wee Kiat and Edwin, then Zhao Xun replaced Wee Kiat. Fuck that attitude once again _|_ Went to 'Tropical' and bought a cup of Milo Ice Blend. Went home.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Had Mother Tonngue paper today. Some stupid incident happened while getting ready to enter the classroom -.- What's the bloody problem with you guys anyway ? -.- After Mother Tongue exam, had English Listening Comprehension. Ah~ Listening to English words made me felt relieved. Hahaha. Then went to the canteen and Chu Han came. Killed time till Zhi Kian came down. From 10.45 am till 1.30 pm ? LOL What a great amount of time spent just slacking at the canteen. Should've studied -.- But then, I read my great book by Jeffrey Archer; A Prisoner At Birth. It's a great book, you peeps should get a hold of it. Then, went to 'Tropical' to "emo" again, just like yesterday -.- Then, along came Jia Qi and Co. and they sat with us, then along came Shi Ping and Co. as well. Offered seats to Jia Qi and Co. together with Shi Ping and Co. LOL ! Then, went home. Went to Zhi Kian's place to watch 'Ip Man'. How cool is he uh ? LOL ! After watching, played basketball with Chu Han. Bloody hell. Sec 2 nia and already so motherfucking guai lan _|_ Just watch out la. With that kind of ass attitude, you're all gonna get it. Just you people wait _|_
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Had English paper today. It was nothing for me. Hahaha. Had an NE quiz after English paper 2. The quiz was fun (: Then, sat with Janice and Co. Crappy as always. Then, called Chu Han to come over but he was taking his bloody sweet time of his. Couldn't wait any longer. So, went to the canteend and find him. Went to 'Tropical' and bought some refreshments. Then along came Zhi Kian. Went to Bedok Interchange to extend my monthly ticket for my EZ-link. Then, walked around. Went to Mac's and saw Mei Ting and Jing Ying. Sat with them. Regretted. They were damn noisy. The whole of Mac's was full of both their voices -.- I was trying to read my book and their voices were stuck inside of my head. Like wth -.- Hahaha. Then, went to extend the monthly ticket and saw my mum. Then, saw Ying Jie and we walked around Bedok. Saw Zhi Kian's mum and went to buy some CDs. Went to 'BlueMax'. Then, Zhao Xun came in and after some time there, we walked home while both Mei Ting and Jing Ying took bus home.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I miss those times.
I miss the band.
I miss seeing the band members getting so enthusiastically ready for each and every band practice.
I miss seeing Mr Poh, Mr Yap and the Alumnis at the 3rd floor, calling out to us, shouting out to us, asking us to check our dressing, correcting our mistakes, one by one, section by section, group by group, coming back for our practice each time we practiced on our formations under the hot sun, on the muddy field.
I miss seeing them; the graduated seniors together with the volunteer recruits.
I miss seeing Mr Poh/Mr Yap conducting the band.
I miss those band camps, getting ready for outdoor. Those tiring yet enjoyable practice. The sweat, blood and tears which broke out during practices.
I miss seeing one WHOLE band, falling in and marching under the hot sun.
I miss the leadership.
I miss the talks to motivate and push the band to do things beyond their limit.
I miss the cheers.
I miss the voice of a WHOLE band.
I miss the sound of a WHOLE band.
I miss those times.
But... Life has to go on. Keep moving forward, everyone.
I miss the band.
I miss seeing the band members getting so enthusiastically ready for each and every band practice.
I miss seeing Mr Poh, Mr Yap and the Alumnis at the 3rd floor, calling out to us, shouting out to us, asking us to check our dressing, correcting our mistakes, one by one, section by section, group by group, coming back for our practice each time we practiced on our formations under the hot sun, on the muddy field.
I miss seeing them; the graduated seniors together with the volunteer recruits.
I miss seeing Mr Poh/Mr Yap conducting the band.
I miss those band camps, getting ready for outdoor. Those tiring yet enjoyable practice. The sweat, blood and tears which broke out during practices.
I miss seeing one WHOLE band, falling in and marching under the hot sun.
I miss the leadership.
I miss the talks to motivate and push the band to do things beyond their limit.
I miss the cheers.
I miss the voice of a WHOLE band.
I miss the sound of a WHOLE band.
I miss those times.
But... Life has to go on. Keep moving forward, everyone.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Went to TM to buy a bottle of slide lubricant oil for my trombone but got a tube of slide cream as there no lubricant oil. After that, went to 'Times' to purchase a book using the gift voucher which I received during Speech Day. So, went home, ate my late late lunch and showered. Had AI practice today. Reached Bedok and realised that it was still to early. So, went to Mac's to kill some time. Went out to see whoever reached bus 16 waiting area. But on the way, saw both Khairuddin and Ibrahim sitting at the phonebooth area. They were waiting for Asyraf, so yeah. He came and we went to Mac's. Bought burgers then went to bus 16 waiting area. Waited for Ain. Practice was great, as per normal. Haha. Had fun sight-reading and playing the scores and all. Yeah. After practice, went to have our dinner at Bedok with Sofian, Asyraf, Khairuddin and Ibrahim. Took bus 222 home with Ibrahim. A whole round, bus trip. LOL. Chit chatted on the bus. Yeah. Missed those times. Seeing Ibrahim and gang in secondary school. Spending those months, days of band practice with them.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The day is super boring. Watched CDs to kill my boredom. Then I remembered that I had to pick up some things from Ken's place. So, asked Chu Han to accompany me. Rode bike there. Took the stuffs and called Joan to meet up so I could pass her stuffs to her. Been a long time since I've last seen her and the rest of the gang. Time really flies. Missed those times and the people. Met her at Blk 427 and went home.
Keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
School was good. After school at 12.30 pm, went to the Music Room to assist Ms Tan with the class. Haha. Then, it was raining very heavily. Quite bizarre. So, went to the canteen at 1.45 pm. WEnt to find them, Joselyn, Amelia, Jia Yi, Priscilla and Tiffany. Yeah. Crazy bunch of girls. Haha. They inherited the craziness gense from yours truly, Malik ;D Hahaha. Then, Amelia went off for her lesson while Amelia, Tiffany and Jia Yi went home. Waited for Amelia and Priscilla and went home with them. Took bus 222 to Bedok Interchange and crapped alot but while on the way, Chu Han was holding my EZ-Link card and he headed home -.- Then took 38 and crapped alot still. Lol ! As always ;D
Damn ! 21st December 2012 ? Doomsday ? Should I or should I not believe it ?
Damn ! 21st December 2012 ? Doomsday ? Should I or should I not believe it ?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Supposed to be going for my sectional outing but, I'll be carrying two trombone cases and my allowance for the day wpuld be just $4. So, what would be my decision ? Stay put. Hais.. It's been a really long time since we, as a section went out together for some fun. Amelia and Co. wanted to have breakfast at Mac's together, as a family generation at 6.30 am. So, woke up at 5.30 am and showered and went to Chu Han's place. Went to Mac's and no one was to be found. Waited awhile longer and first to arrive was Joselyn, then Jia Yi and Danial. At first, Amelia told me that she won't be coming as Priscilla couldn't make it, but at the very last minute, she told us that she would be coming over to Mac's. She arrived at 7.30 am. Then, she went to buy her breakfast.
Crapped and headed to Bedok Town Park. They went for their run while Chu Han rode the bicycle with me standing at the back then I helped Mr Zhang with the giving out of the slip. Then Chu Han came back and both of us jogged all the way to the starting point. The family generation were all wiped out. Haha. Cuteness luh~ Then, waited for awhile and went out of Bedok Town Park. Amelia headed down to Bedok Interchange first while the rest of us waited for some others. Then, bought drinks at 7-11 and headed down to Bedok Interchange. Took bus 38 with both Amelia and Priscilla. Realising that the bus reached Tanah Merah Station, so I alighted and bade farewell. Reached home, ate breakfast and went to sleep. Woke up at 2 pm. Watched TV and such. Called Jeffrey to meet me at my block and while showering, he had already reached. So, called him to come up and went off to Bedok Interchange. Ate at the hawker. Bought a large glass of grass jelly while Jeffrey bought a plate of chicken rice and a drink. Walked to bus 16's waiting area and saw Asyraf. Waited for the rest of them to come at 6.15 pm. Then headed to Siglap CC for AI practice. Practice was great. Jeffrey's a lil rusty, so will be helping him out most of the time. It's great seeing him again.
Crapped and headed to Bedok Town Park. They went for their run while Chu Han rode the bicycle with me standing at the back then I helped Mr Zhang with the giving out of the slip. Then Chu Han came back and both of us jogged all the way to the starting point. The family generation were all wiped out. Haha. Cuteness luh~ Then, waited for awhile and went out of Bedok Town Park. Amelia headed down to Bedok Interchange first while the rest of us waited for some others. Then, bought drinks at 7-11 and headed down to Bedok Interchange. Took bus 38 with both Amelia and Priscilla. Realising that the bus reached Tanah Merah Station, so I alighted and bade farewell. Reached home, ate breakfast and went to sleep. Woke up at 2 pm. Watched TV and such. Called Jeffrey to meet me at my block and while showering, he had already reached. So, called him to come up and went off to Bedok Interchange. Ate at the hawker. Bought a large glass of grass jelly while Jeffrey bought a plate of chicken rice and a drink. Walked to bus 16's waiting area and saw Asyraf. Waited for the rest of them to come at 6.15 pm. Then headed to Siglap CC for AI practice. Practice was great. Jeffrey's a lil rusty, so will be helping him out most of the time. It's great seeing him again.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Well, school was great. Managed to stay awake during Maths lesson. Need to study harder. Time to MUG ! Today, spend a whole day with Qistina. Great time spent together. Went to her place, had lunch and went to the gym. The gym was cramp. The room was so small. Talked alot. First time spending a whole day with her. Went back to her place and watched 'Star World'. Laughed like hyenas. Hahahaha. Well, left at 6.30 pm and headed home. Thanks Qistina for the great day today ! (:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I don't know why I'm getting so tired these few days. Even though I slept at 10.30 pm, I would still get sleepy during school hours. The entire week in school was OK. Went for extra Music class yesterday and today at 2 pm with Chu Han. Today, went home with Chu Han and Zhi Kian. Went to 'Tropical' to buy some drinks. Crapped with the band juniors. LOL !
Monday, April 13, 2009
Band B had practice today. Went to see their practice. They did marching then Mr Poh came. He looked at the attendance then called me to take over the band while he had a meeting with the leaders. Damn. Band B's attendance is atrocious. Took them for marching and it wasn't what I've expected them to show me. I know, outdoor was last year. Band practices for them have been not much fun without having Band A members with them during sectionals and such. Not much like last year. This year is totally different. I'm utterly disappointed.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Went for the Beautiful Sunday 'Stars & Stripes' concert by Singapore Wind Symphony at Esplanade Concert Hall with Zhao Xun, Ying Jie, Zhong Hong and Qin Da. The concert was great. They even played Benny Goodman's songs ! How wonderful ! Hahaha. After the concert, went to KFC and had dinner. Then went to the arcade to chill out. Decided to go home at 6.24 pm. Took MRT and alighted at Bedok. Took 222 home. Reached home and KFC again ! Lol !
Saturday, April 11, 2009
When we have dreams to achieve, parents may think that we're just fooling around and think that whatever dreams we want to achieve are temporary rather than permanent. What's the point of having parents if they don't support us in this category. They only know how to nag at us the moment we reach home from school or out with friends. They say that they are doing it for our own good. Hey, to me, too much nagging kills the child ! Understand ? When we're in a foul mood, they won't leave us. They'll keep on asking stupid questions time and again. Irritating us. Can't they just understand us ? I see other families are having so much fun going out, talking and laughing. But all I've got are just naggings. Looks like my dreams of having an instrument of my own are cherished. I'll have to find work, earn and save money then.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today's a boring day. Had plans to play my trombone with my friend at Bedok Reservoir Park but rain had to destroy our plan. Nothing to do at all. Watching the television ? Well, watched 'Beauty Shop' till it ended. So bored.. Hoping that I'll be buying my Bach Stradivarius Trombone from Band World. Hmmm, which should I get ? Model 42A, 42K, 42T or a double trigger bass trombone ? Opinions anyone ?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I just knew it. It's utterly a disappointment for me. So what if SYF is over ? Can't you all just maintain everything which you've learnt through the 4-5 months and band camps. As we played 'Overture No.1 for Wind Band' today, during speech day rehearsal, it was bad, really bad. After that, went to Mac's with Bing. Walked there under the rain. What great feeling but one thing is scary, there were clapping of thunders everywhere. Ran into shelter. We crapped alot at Mac's. Zheng De spat inside of his McFlurry and both me and Bing ate it -.- Went home at 6.18 pm.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Congratulations. You, PYMB deserved the Silver. Today, you guys and girls did a great performance for the 7 judges, including the composer of Overture No.1 and 2, Kelly Tang himself. We did Mr Poh, Mr Yap and the Alumnis proud and also the band teachers-in-charge, Mdm Nava, Ms Ng, Ms Goh and Ms Tan. We thank you deeply for your support and care towards the band. We were sad that we didn't get to stay back for the announcements of results. Went back to school and stayed in the music room. Then, went down to the foyer for our photo taking. Both me and Winston were waiting for the results anxiously. Then, the message was sent, we got... SILVER ! Both me and Winston were shocked and screaming, shouting to the whole band. The band too was screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs. Had a talk by Mr Poh and Mdm Nava. Looks like Gowtham will be the Assistan Drum Major after Aswan takes over from Wah Jing. After dismissal, went to 'Tropical' and bought a drink. Sat with Jacqueline and Charlotte and talked with them. Promised to treat them ice cream at Mac's. Gave them a treat and went home.
Photos taken after SYF.

Continue to strive, PYMB. Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever.
Photos taken after SYF.

Continue to strive, PYMB. Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's been a really really long time since I've actually posted about how PYMB is doing or what I have to say to them.
It's been a really really long time since I've seen any leaders(except for majors) in the band. I don't hear any other band members or even comittee members pushing the band through, asking them to stay focus and keep quiet.
There's just 3 more days left to SYF Indoor Central Judging Display. Be very scared but enjoy what you're playing. In order to play and sound well, one should enjoy and feel the music. If you do, then you'll have goosepimples, seriously.
Although it's Indoor for this year, you all should at least show the amount of discipline which you all have shown last year, 2008. The attendance is getting from bad to worse. I don't see much communication like I used to see. I don't see the fun in everyone whenever there's band practice. Don't just turn up for band. Turn up, have fun and enjoy practice ! That way, you'll love band even more. What's the point of turning up for band if your attitude towards band is not there or even, to me, it sucks.
Just 3 more days and both me and Winston will leave the trombone section but there's still Speech Day's performance, so yeah. You guys will still see us in band. I can sense that you guys are improving and I meant, improving alot.
So, you guys better buck up for these 3 days. Feel, enjoy, play the music and not the notes only. Good luck and do your best, PYMB.
It's been a really really long time since I've seen any leaders(except for majors) in the band. I don't hear any other band members or even comittee members pushing the band through, asking them to stay focus and keep quiet.
There's just 3 more days left to SYF Indoor Central Judging Display. Be very scared but enjoy what you're playing. In order to play and sound well, one should enjoy and feel the music. If you do, then you'll have goosepimples, seriously.
Although it's Indoor for this year, you all should at least show the amount of discipline which you all have shown last year, 2008. The attendance is getting from bad to worse. I don't see much communication like I used to see. I don't see the fun in everyone whenever there's band practice. Don't just turn up for band. Turn up, have fun and enjoy practice ! That way, you'll love band even more. What's the point of turning up for band if your attitude towards band is not there or even, to me, it sucks.
Just 3 more days and both me and Winston will leave the trombone section but there's still Speech Day's performance, so yeah. You guys will still see us in band. I can sense that you guys are improving and I meant, improving alot.
So, you guys better buck up for these 3 days. Feel, enjoy, play the music and not the notes only. Good luck and do your best, PYMB.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
School was weird without writing down notes. Luckily Judy helped me in writing down the notes during Science lesson. That's double the job for her ! xD After school, went to find Alexis with Chu Han accompanying me but she dua-ed me instead and kept apologizing. It's ok luh :D Then went home. I'm gonna get my OWN TROMBONE ! Oh yeah~ ~_^ v
Monday, March 30, 2009
Went to school today. Everything was great in school except for music. Didn't bring along my lead sheets for my music coursework. So for the whole of 2 hours, just stared blankly into my own world. After school, went home with both Chu Han and Zhi Kian. Didn't go for band as I had an appointment with the specialist. Had to use a cast. Damn ! Nvr mind, all the more I still can play my trombone. Nothing can stop me from going for SYF !
9 more days people.
9 more days people.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Today, woke up at 11 am and got a call from Asyraf asking me whether I'm going to visit Elham. So, yea. Showered, had breakfast and went to find Asyraf, Shikin, Yuni and Syahidah. Reached Bedok and went to find them at MacDonald's but they weren't there and got a call from Asyraf again. Saw him over at the other side of the road. So, both of us went into MacDonald's and sat down waiting for the rest. Both Shikin and Yuni came after some time. Then came along Syahidah. Took 66 to KK Children & Women's hospital. Went up to 7th floor and to Elham's ward. Talked and then He Tong, Yu Shen and Shafikah came. Then the four of us went for lunch while the three of them accompanied Elham. Ate for an hour or more then went up again. Saw the three of them outside at the waiting area as Elham's relatives came over to visit him. Waited till his relatives came out and while waiting, both Joel and Fakhrina came. After some time later, Elham's relative came out and we bade farewell to them and went in. After some time later, Syahidah went home and we kept talking and talking till Aidil came. Elham and gang wanted to go to Deli'France but it was time for him to have his dinner. He didn't want to eat but we kept pestering him to eat. Aidil fed him the remainings of the dinner. Then, they went to Deli'France. Went with them and the three of us, me, Shikin and Yuni bought a chocolate chip cookie each. It was big. after buying, we bade farewell to them and Elham, took 66 back to Bedok while Asyraf, Yuni and Shikin alighted at their bus stop. Topped up my EZ-link card and walked back home.
Yesterday, had band. Wasn't supposed to go as Mdm Nava forbids me but I asked Mr Poh and he allowed me but if he told me if I can't play my trombone then don't play it. Had a game of Captain's Ball till 10 am. Couldn't play and didn't had fun, well who asked me to sustain an injury ? So, after the game, had a 5 minute brake and had sectionals. Didn't join in the sectional but took Band B for sectional. I've been wanting to take them for sectional. Then it was lunch break till 1 pm. Had a breaking news that Vania had banged into a wall and her tooth cracked or came off. Then combined in the MPR and saw both Mr Poh and Mr Yap outside. Mr Poh asked me whether I can play and I said I could, so he asked me to play. Did the usuals. Then, went for sectionals. After doing what we were supposed to do during sectionals, we had a chat with each other. Then, combined back in the MPR but packed up after settling down. Dismissed and went for AudioImage(AI) practice. But before that, went to MacDonald's with Asyraf, Shikin and Yuni. Saw band members including BTMB and Mr Poh and Co. Joel is just being an EXTRA with them. Hahaha. Took 16 and saw Khairuddin and Ibrahim at the waiting area. We laughed like hell of a kind till we reached Siglap CC and we kept on laughing. I was drinking water and couldn't control myself from laughing and spat out the water. Twice ! I was eating my medication too and I spat it out as well. Started rehearsel and gave us to read 'Les Miserables, Symphony No.2, American Graphity, West Side Story' and that's it I guess. Went home after that.
Yesterday, had band. Wasn't supposed to go as Mdm Nava forbids me but I asked Mr Poh and he allowed me but if he told me if I can't play my trombone then don't play it. Had a game of Captain's Ball till 10 am. Couldn't play and didn't had fun, well who asked me to sustain an injury ? So, after the game, had a 5 minute brake and had sectionals. Didn't join in the sectional but took Band B for sectional. I've been wanting to take them for sectional. Then it was lunch break till 1 pm. Had a breaking news that Vania had banged into a wall and her tooth cracked or came off. Then combined in the MPR and saw both Mr Poh and Mr Yap outside. Mr Poh asked me whether I can play and I said I could, so he asked me to play. Did the usuals. Then, went for sectionals. After doing what we were supposed to do during sectionals, we had a chat with each other. Then, combined back in the MPR but packed up after settling down. Dismissed and went for AudioImage(AI) practice. But before that, went to MacDonald's with Asyraf, Shikin and Yuni. Saw band members including BTMB and Mr Poh and Co. Joel is just being an EXTRA with them. Hahaha. Took 16 and saw Khairuddin and Ibrahim at the waiting area. We laughed like hell of a kind till we reached Siglap CC and we kept on laughing. I was drinking water and couldn't control myself from laughing and spat out the water. Twice ! I was eating my medication too and I spat it out as well. Started rehearsel and gave us to read 'Les Miserables, Symphony No.2, American Graphity, West Side Story' and that's it I guess. Went home after that.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Went to sleep over at my aunt's place as my cousin wanted to go home from my place after claiming that he wants to "sleep" over at my place. Sent him back home, slept over at my aunt's place. Slept at 1 am and woke up at 7 am. Then, went back to my place and sent both my cousins to school just nearby my block. Wanted to go back to sleep but can't. So watched TV till 12 and changed into my school P.E attire. Went for band. How great ? Had a whole week's MC and I only turned up for band. After some time in band, around 4.30 pm, Mdm Nava wanted to see me. Probably about this particular reason and it was spot on ! Both Mr.Lionel Poh and Ndm Nava talked to me about the matter. Then was sent home because of this. Hais.. If I were to attend tomorrow's practice, then I won't be able to play my instrument. Ah~
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's another dull and boring day for me. Watched TV the whole day till Chu Han came over at 2.30 pm. Then left the house at 4.30 pm. Walked to Bedok Inter and saw my Aunt while reaching. Then, walked around. Went to NTUC, KFC, MacDonald's. Bought a large double chocolate. It's been a long time since I drank double chocolate. Haha. Then, walked around and saw my Dad ! Haha. Been a long time since I've last seen him. Greeted him and talked to him awhile then left. Bought Men's Health and decided to take the bus home. Took a whole round to kill time. Reached home.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So, yea. It's equally boring today. Got a call from Jia Feng at 5.45 am. Went back to sleep and woke up at 9.30 am. Showered, ate breakfast and watched TV. Then Chu Han came over and wanted to meet Alexis today but she got to stay back. Had an errand to run for my grandma, so we walked to Bedok and went to SportsLink to buy a Spring Chest Expander. Haha. Then, went to NTUC as Chu Han saw a friend of his. Yikwang's brother. Then, walked around NTUC, went to Sheng Shiong to buy a packet of CP Mexican Wings. After that, went to buy 2 Shrooms burger from KFC and sat down with Chu Han and his friends. Talked awhile and went home. Chu Han came over my place to slack again. He went home after eating dinner. Showered and went to Chu Han's place. Watched 'Ninja Warrior' then went to buy some tidbits. Haha. Forever eh ? xD Went to buy 2 bottles of Meiji Low-Fat Milk and some other things as well. Went home and used the com. Life is so dull eh ?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
So didn't go to school today. So bored. Woke up at 9 am then watched TV and ate breakfast at the same time till 11.30 am. Ate my medication after that. Decided to watch 'Drumline'. Watched till 2.30 pm. Used the com for awhile then went over to Chu Han's place and went to buy tidbits. Chu Han came over to my place to slack till 6.30 pm. Took an afternoon nap after he went home. Woke up at 8.10 pm. Showered and used the com.
Life is just meaningless if you just keep on sleeping. You've had enough already. Cease sleeping. Wake up. Live life to the fullest.
Life is just meaningless if you just keep on sleeping. You've had enough already. Cease sleeping. Wake up. Live life to the fullest.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Life is full of surprises. Life is cruel. Life can't be measured.
It's shocking to hear that piece of news about Jonathan. Didn't turn up for school today due to the excruciating pain from yesterday's injury. Went to Bedok Polyclinic and the doctor claimed that I may have sustained a fracture. He asked me to head for Changi General Hospital for an x-ray. So, reached home at 1.30 pm, changed to PE attire and went for band. Then I asked to be dismissed at 4 pm as I have to head for Changi General Hospital. Met my mum at Bedok Interchange, took 9. Had a small fracture in the joint of my index finger. Had to be on MC till 31st March. So long. Went to have dinner at QIJI then went home. Let us all pray for Jonathan.
It's shocking to hear that piece of news about Jonathan. Didn't turn up for school today due to the excruciating pain from yesterday's injury. Went to Bedok Polyclinic and the doctor claimed that I may have sustained a fracture. He asked me to head for Changi General Hospital for an x-ray. So, reached home at 1.30 pm, changed to PE attire and went for band. Then I asked to be dismissed at 4 pm as I have to head for Changi General Hospital. Met my mum at Bedok Interchange, took 9. Had a small fracture in the joint of my index finger. Had to be on MC till 31st March. So long. Went to have dinner at QIJI then went home. Let us all pray for Jonathan.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Well, my day was great today until now. Woke up by my alarm which I had set at 9.30 am but went back to sleep till 10.15 am. Showered, had breakfast and went to the gym. Had 2 whole hours of a tiring and vigorous workout. Signed out at 1 pm. Went to Bedok Interchange with Din as he wanted to look at some stuffs. Then went home as there were nowhere else for us to go to. Reached home and Chu Hand came over followed by Zhi Kian. They used me com. Then, I went for a haircut. It either sucks or looks good for others. I don't know. Haha. Well, after getting my haircut, went to NTUC to buy 2 bags of Golden Royal Dragon. Went home. Showered used my com then went to Blk 77 for a game of basketball. As I said earlier, my day was great until now. While playing basketball, I guarded a guy and I jumped to block the pass but my fingers got sprained in the collision and it started to swell up when I reached home. Damn !
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Had band today. Did sectional warm up in the morning till around 10. Then, combined and played 'Follow The River'. Then, Mr.Poh came. Did the usual things. 'Overture No.1 and Folklore For Band as well as Fairest of the Fair'. Then had lunch at 1 pm till 2.15 pm. While going for lunch, talked with the security guards. After lunch combined once more till end of band. Had been punished by the Library Department. After that took bus to Bedok with Asyraf, Aron, Shikin and Yuni. Went to photocopy some scores. Then both Asyraf and me went for AI practice. Practice great as always. Finally, Edmund came. Trombone 2. Saw Pei Ling, Ronnie and Jaime. The whole of the trombone section came. Haha. Great players and musicians ! Soon after, Edmund had something on and leaving me all alone. Ah~ Well, never mind. I still can play :] Don't underestimate me. A freshman came into our AI Band. Let's welcome Guan Guan a euphonist. The only one. Haha. So, after practice went to Bedok with Ibrahim, Din and Guan Guan. Exchanged numbers with him and bade farewell as he stays at Bishan and is taking the MRT. Went around Bedok with both Din and Ibrahim. Went to Sheng Sheong to buy things. Haha. After buying the stuffs, headed home.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Went to Esplanade with Chu Han, Zhao Xun and Qin Da. Went to meet Hyder at 11.30 am but looks like he's earlier than me ! He briefed me about his company which he's working in. Imagine a 23 years old guy being a millionaire ! How bout that ?! So, waited for Chu Han after the briefing and he came after 3 minutes later. Then, went to Zhao xun's place, took the bus to Tanah Merah MRT Station and alighted at City Hall. Walked around Esplanade. Was damn thirsty back then. Then, walked around Singapore River and it started to rain. Seeked for shelter but it wasn't raining that heavily so continued touring around. Haha. Decided to eat at MacDonald's but it was damn packed with office workers who are craving for MacDonald's. So, walked around the vicinity to see what other places were there to eat. As there were none, I decided on going to Funan Centre to eat. So, walked to Funan Centre and the MacDonald's there was packed too, then we went to QIJI. Better ! Haha. It's been a long time since I've ate QIJI's food. We ordered 2 plates of set 3 and two bowls of laksa with hum(cockles) ! Hahaha. After eating, went back to Esplanade Library and started our search for lead sheets. We searched high and low in one area but they were not what we wanted to find then I asked the Customer Service receptionist. It was on the other side. So, went there and searched high and low as well. It was full of scores ! Couldn't know which one I should choose ! So, both me and Chu Han found what we wanted and went to the Photocopier area. One page was 8 cents. So, printed up to a worth of $2.08. So, went to the Merlion and chill out, take some fresh air. While walking, bought drinks and ice creams ! Haha. Then, after some time we decided to go home. Took MRT at Raffles Place MRT Station and alighted at Bedok. Both Zhao Xun and his brother, Qin Da went to my place as Zhao Xun wanted to borrow my trombone. But for me and Chu Han, we went to MacDonald's as we wanted to slack but went to KFC after that. Ate at KFC and shared food with him. Then, went to blk 77 to see who was there. Sat on the bench and talked with each other and saw Huiqi. After some time, Zhi Kian came down right after I asked Chu Han, "Eh, Zhi Kian later got come down play basketball mah ?". Haha. Such a coincidence ! So, played with them both and Uncle came down. Played 2-2, game point of 11 for two sets. Zhi Kian elbowed the bone near my ear. Damn it ! Then, went to Chu Han's place for awhile and went home. Showered and went to buy some tidbits with Chu Han and Zhi Kian at 8.30 pm. Topped up $2 for my phone. Went home.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's surprising that I slept for almost 12 hours yesterday night. Haha. Well, that shows how tired I was after not resting after reaching home from band camp. Haha. So, woke up at 11.30 am. Watched TV. Showered and ate some biscuits. Watched 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 till 3.30 pm. Then, went to Zhi Kian's place as we planned to play basketball. Played at Fengshan CC till 6 pm. Then, went to Blk 77 to continue playing till 7.30 pm. Haha. Went to Zhi Kian's place to kill some time then went home.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm back from band camp ! Haha xD
The first day, reported to school at 7.30 am. Settled in the canteen then gathered in our respective groups, Group 1-5. Searched through our bags for any other stuffs. After that, fall-ed in. Placed our bags in the homeroom. Went for sectionals. Then had lunch and combined till 10 pm as Mr. Suruporn came over and conducted us. Then, showered, gathered at the canteen and went to sleep at our respective dormitory. Guys, Hall. Girls, Homeroom.
The first night, kept on waking up and can't get to sleep. Was rather cold at the hall. With so many fans on.
The second day, fall-ed in at 6.30 am. Had morning PT as usual. Eventually, I couldn't join in the run with them as I had flu up till now. So, after morning PT was breakfast. Breakfast was rather, not enough as what the band members told me. Then, had sectionals till 10.30 am. Then combined till 12.30 pm, lunch time. Had lunch till 1.30 pm. Cleared up the canteen and there seemed to be two extra plates of rice. So, both me and Zhao Xun ate them both. Then, went up to the Multi-Purpose Room and the band was given a half an hour break till 2 pm. Then, Mr.Poh came and practiced on the same two songs, 'Overture No.1 for wind band and 'Folklore For Band'. But Mr.Poh had something else in mind. He gave us three new scores. Pop. They were, 'The Incredibles Theme, Smoke on the water and Livin' on a Prayer'. Then, had dinner. After dinner, we combined in the Multi-Purpose Room then brought down the chairs to the parade square. Combined then went for shower and gathered in the Music Room. Listened to the recording of us playing 'Overture No.1 and Folklore For Band'. Was rather ok, but not up to both me and Winston's standard. We just hope that we could graduate from PYMB with a good award for Indoor '09. Gave out the biscuits to the band. They're like non stop eating. Haha. Well, it's Ok. It's the last night afterall. Then, we were released to our respective dormitory.
Second night, had a somewhat good sleep. Kept waking up due to the coldness again. It so happens that it rained and the rain drops were loud and it woke me up. So, both me and Winston wanted to wake up at 5.30 am to brush our teeth. He asked me to wake him up at 5.30 am but instead, he woke me up. So, me, Winston and Ming Kwang went to the toilet. Brushed out teeth.
Third day, fall-ed in at 6.18 am. Earlier than expected. Had morning PT followed by breakfast. After breakfast, the band did their tuning in their individual section. The band started to get themselves ready and boarded the buses at 8 am. So, me, Gowtham, Kah Hui, Vivian, Wah Jing and Jane were left in school as we had lesson. Had Music lesson from 9 am till 10 am but extended till 10.48 am. Went to wait for Gowtham outside the AVA theatre. Waited till 11.15 am. Then, both of us walked to Bedok Town Secondary School with my trombone in my hand. Haha. Reached the school then rushed to where our sections were. I was expecting just BTMB and PYMB but Woodlands was there too. So, Trombone and Euphonium were under Vincent. Then had lunch at 12.30 pm. After lunch, the whole trombone section went up to the hall just for a key ? What the hell ? So, asked the personnel to open the room which we were using and moved our instruments to the hall. Tuned our tuning note, F, Eb, C and low Bb. Then, combined with BTMB. It was fun combining with them. We could know the difference between sound quality/quantity. Then, the 3 schools, performed our set piece and choice piece till 4.30 pm. Woodlands played rather well. So, after everything was done, we helped BTMB out with the chairs. Moved the percussion instruments and chairs to the Music Room. Then boarded our bus and settled whatever things we had to settle in school and dismissed. Played volleyball with Winston, Joel, Edwin, Asyraf and Aidil for some time. Went to 'Tropical' after that and went home.
The first day, reported to school at 7.30 am. Settled in the canteen then gathered in our respective groups, Group 1-5. Searched through our bags for any other stuffs. After that, fall-ed in. Placed our bags in the homeroom. Went for sectionals. Then had lunch and combined till 10 pm as Mr. Suruporn came over and conducted us. Then, showered, gathered at the canteen and went to sleep at our respective dormitory. Guys, Hall. Girls, Homeroom.
The first night, kept on waking up and can't get to sleep. Was rather cold at the hall. With so many fans on.
The second day, fall-ed in at 6.30 am. Had morning PT as usual. Eventually, I couldn't join in the run with them as I had flu up till now. So, after morning PT was breakfast. Breakfast was rather, not enough as what the band members told me. Then, had sectionals till 10.30 am. Then combined till 12.30 pm, lunch time. Had lunch till 1.30 pm. Cleared up the canteen and there seemed to be two extra plates of rice. So, both me and Zhao Xun ate them both. Then, went up to the Multi-Purpose Room and the band was given a half an hour break till 2 pm. Then, Mr.Poh came and practiced on the same two songs, 'Overture No.1 for wind band and 'Folklore For Band'. But Mr.Poh had something else in mind. He gave us three new scores. Pop. They were, 'The Incredibles Theme, Smoke on the water and Livin' on a Prayer'. Then, had dinner. After dinner, we combined in the Multi-Purpose Room then brought down the chairs to the parade square. Combined then went for shower and gathered in the Music Room. Listened to the recording of us playing 'Overture No.1 and Folklore For Band'. Was rather ok, but not up to both me and Winston's standard. We just hope that we could graduate from PYMB with a good award for Indoor '09. Gave out the biscuits to the band. They're like non stop eating. Haha. Well, it's Ok. It's the last night afterall. Then, we were released to our respective dormitory.
Second night, had a somewhat good sleep. Kept waking up due to the coldness again. It so happens that it rained and the rain drops were loud and it woke me up. So, both me and Winston wanted to wake up at 5.30 am to brush our teeth. He asked me to wake him up at 5.30 am but instead, he woke me up. So, me, Winston and Ming Kwang went to the toilet. Brushed out teeth.
Third day, fall-ed in at 6.18 am. Earlier than expected. Had morning PT followed by breakfast. After breakfast, the band did their tuning in their individual section. The band started to get themselves ready and boarded the buses at 8 am. So, me, Gowtham, Kah Hui, Vivian, Wah Jing and Jane were left in school as we had lesson. Had Music lesson from 9 am till 10 am but extended till 10.48 am. Went to wait for Gowtham outside the AVA theatre. Waited till 11.15 am. Then, both of us walked to Bedok Town Secondary School with my trombone in my hand. Haha. Reached the school then rushed to where our sections were. I was expecting just BTMB and PYMB but Woodlands was there too. So, Trombone and Euphonium were under Vincent. Then had lunch at 12.30 pm. After lunch, the whole trombone section went up to the hall just for a key ? What the hell ? So, asked the personnel to open the room which we were using and moved our instruments to the hall. Tuned our tuning note, F, Eb, C and low Bb. Then, combined with BTMB. It was fun combining with them. We could know the difference between sound quality/quantity. Then, the 3 schools, performed our set piece and choice piece till 4.30 pm. Woodlands played rather well. So, after everything was done, we helped BTMB out with the chairs. Moved the percussion instruments and chairs to the Music Room. Then boarded our bus and settled whatever things we had to settle in school and dismissed. Played volleyball with Winston, Joel, Edwin, Asyraf and Aidil for some time. Went to 'Tropical' after that and went home.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Suber bored right now. Don't have anything much to do. Not many people online. No interesting TV programmes to watch. Nothing at all ! Urgh ! Damn it. How about a game of basketball eh ? Lols. There's no time left. I need sufficient rest for tomorrow. Band camp.
Went to the gym with Khairuddin and Ibrahim from 10 am till 12 pm. Then, went to eat at Alfiah's. Went home after eating. Reached home and soon after, got a call from Zhao Xun asking me for help on the SYF Countdown board. Went to his place, then went to Bedok to print the photos and went to find Wah Jing at the NTUC. Bought a 5R frame. Then, went to the photocopy shop and asked some questions. Then, went home. I'll be away for band camp from 16th-18th March. If there's anything, just leave me a message. That'll do.
Went to the gym with Khairuddin and Ibrahim from 10 am till 12 pm. Then, went to eat at Alfiah's. Went home after eating. Reached home and soon after, got a call from Zhao Xun asking me for help on the SYF Countdown board. Went to his place, then went to Bedok to print the photos and went to find Wah Jing at the NTUC. Bought a 5R frame. Then, went to the photocopy shop and asked some questions. Then, went home. I'll be away for band camp from 16th-18th March. If there's anything, just leave me a message. That'll do.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Had band today. At 12 pm instead of 7.30 am as dear Mr.Poh is a kind hearted man who gave the Sec 3s to rest as they just came back from camp yesterday. Haha. Practiced on both 'Folklore For Band' and 'Overture No.1' as usual. Then, after PYMB practice, went to AI(AudioImage) Band practice. Haha. Was great. Each Saturday I would get excited. Well, they're all very good and great musicians. Haha. Sight-read 'Echanted, Jap-Pop, Miss Saigon' and some others which I can't remember. Haha. After practice, went back with Asyraf, Khairuddin, Ibrahim and Hafiz. Then Ibrahim wanted to buy some stuffs but not sure what is it and we walked around Bedok. Went to NTUC then walked around. Then took 222 home.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Went to Singapore Science Centre today. Learnt and experimented about Heat Shield. After that, went back to school and saw that the Sec 3s were back from Pulau Ubin. On the way back to school, I fell asleep in the bus. Haha. Had band later on. Didn't know why I was so tired today. Got released earlier and had a chat with our Sec 1 juniors. Then went to 'Tropical' to buy some refreshments. Went home with Ying Jie. Walked home from Bedok after alighting from the bus.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Had a Mock Maths Exam today. Did farely well bah.. Haha.. After school, went to 'Tropical' with Chu Han and Zhi Kian :] Then, walked to Fengshan CC for a game of basketball. Haha. Had great fun while walking with them. Haha. Shouting here and there, laughing here and there. Utmost outrageous ! xD So, played 5-on-5 match with the players then went home at 4.42 pm. Zhi Kian came over to my place to kill time.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Supposed to have CPA coursework today but instead we had Skill Test. After that, we played floorball till 10.30 am. Then was recess. Went for Music coursework till 1.30 pm. Went to the canteen to kill time. Then, went to Bedok Interchange with Zhi Kian and Chu Han :] Went to Sheng Shiong to kill time then walked home. While on the way home, saw Chu Han's friend. Then followed them and Chu Han wanted to buy a bubble tea, bought himself a Strawberry Ice Blend. Then walked to Blk 116. Sat there for awhile, asked where his friend were and went to Fengshan CC. Went to find them and sat down. Then, asked Chu Han to go home to bring basketball over. Then a guy came with a basketball and Zhi Kian played with him followed by Chu Han's friend with two of her friends. Then Chu Han came and everyone played together. Played till 6.38 pm and went home.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Well firstly, had a civic district trail today. Went around City Hall and knowing about Singapore's infrastructure and history. After that, went back to school at 12.20 pm. Wasted time at the canteen then went to the parade square and saw Winston and Co. playing volleyball and I joined in the fun. While playing, I sprained my left arm. How great. Haha xD Then, walked home with Zhi Kian and he came over to my place. As soon as I reached my bus stop, crossed the road, saw my brother and Gregory. Then went up together. The door grille was locked and my grandma was out having a hair cut. So both my brother and Gregory went to find her. My grandma came back and opened the door grille. Then, practiced my trombone till 5.30 pm. Then went to have an afternoon nap. Woke up at 7 pm. Showered and decided to go buy some tidbits with Zhi Kian.
Monday, March 9, 2009
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