Monday, May 4, 2009

I miss those times.
I miss the band.
I miss seeing the band members getting so enthusiastically ready for each and every band practice.
I miss seeing Mr Poh, Mr Yap and the Alumnis at the 3rd floor, calling out to us, shouting out to us, asking us to check our dressing, correcting our mistakes, one by one, section by section, group by group, coming back for our practice each time we practiced on our formations under the hot sun, on the muddy field.
I miss seeing them; the graduated seniors together with the volunteer recruits.
I miss seeing Mr Poh/Mr Yap conducting the band.
I miss those band camps, getting ready for outdoor. Those tiring yet enjoyable practice. The sweat, blood and tears which broke out during practices.
I miss seeing one WHOLE band, falling in and marching under the hot sun.
I miss the leadership.
I miss the talks to motivate and push the band to do things beyond their limit.
I miss the cheers.
I miss the voice of a WHOLE band.
I miss the sound of a WHOLE band.
I miss those times.

But... Life has to go on. Keep moving forward, everyone.

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