Well, today woke up at 5.30 am. Had Band for the day.. Woots ! :DDD So, showered, didn't eat any breakfast then went to Zhao Xun's place. Fall-ed in then had morning PT. For today's PT, we had a game of captain's ball. Everyone had fun.. Well, of course, they didn't had to do any PT just had to run around the school nia.. So, after the game of captain's ball, Wah Jing spoke to the band.. Spoke to the band about the current matters including last Saturday's practice.. After that, we had Sectional Music.. Then, when Mr.Poh came, we had seniors to combine in the Music Room. Played Tallis Cannon followed by Oregon. We could play, yes, but learning and playing at this rate, it would take us months or even a year to finish it with improving skills.. So, had to practice with our section on some parts of Oregon. Then, Jian Hao came running and shouting to all of us that, it was time to pack up.. Everyone damn happy luh.. Diao.. Band finish, all happy.. Hais.. So, returned 7 of Ms.Goh's chairs to her homeroom. Asked Shikin to bring down my instrument, but she didn't. Damn.. Nvr mind that.. So, went to the bubble tea shop after dismissal, with Zhao Xun. Then, went to Bedok Interchange together with Ying Jie. I wanted to look for some hoodies but, none of them were to my likings, so decided to go to TM one day.. Was hungry, so went to Macdonald's. There, I saw Wai Kit, Tahir and Evelyn studying. Hey guys, good luck for your 'Os' aight ? :DDD So, then again, I saw, Atikah, Sayidah, Atiqah, Siti, Jia Feng, Charlotte and two of which, I do not know their names.. xDD So, bought a McSpicy upsized meal. Lols. Yuan Kang was working again.. Haha.. Such a workaholic man.. xDD Then, Zhao Xun bought a McChicken upsized student meal while Ying Jie bought a medium cup of Milo.. After eating, Atikah, Sayidah and co. went off first while Siti, Jia Feng and Atiqah were left. Sat and chat with us. Talked about the KL, Genting Trip last year.. After talking, went home. Walked back home with Ying Jie uh.. Then, we sat underneath of Zhao Xun's block and played music.. Knn lahh.. Some bloody malay, kpkb.. I played Ying Jie's cornet while Zhao Xun played his/my trombone. Haha.. Played the cornet without any difficulty sia and I could sight read treble clef's score.. Yay me~ xDD So, played 'Blue Ridge Saga'.. Went to some other area to play due to the malay uh... So, played till 5.45 pm, then went to Zhao Xun's place.. Lend Ying Jie an umbrella in case, it rains. So, lend liao jiu go home lor.. Hahaha.. Went home, showered and here I am, using the com..

Yours truly, with a Cornet ??? ;DDD
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